Winter camping ideas and heating options for staying warm


Most people think of camping as being a summer travel activity, but you can go camping at almost any time of the year. The main obstacle when it comes to winter camping is keeping yourselves and your tent cosy enough that you can all sleep well and wake up warm and refreshed, rather than exhausted, shivering and cold.

So, here is a look at some winter camping heating hacks for you to try out.


Modern homes tend to remain warm all the time, even without having the central heating on for hours at a time. This is because insulation practices and materials have improved so much that very little heat is lost through the roof, or via overly large ventilation bricks.

Your tent is no different: if you can keep the breeze out, you immediately lose the wind chill factor that can ruthlessly strip heat from a human body. If you can retain any heat (whether it is body heat or the result of a small, but efficient inside heater) inside the tent without it escaping through the fabric of the tent, the window and door opening or into the chilly ground, then it is easy to see that the tent will remain cosy. Make sure you invest in a tent that is designed for winter camping, with excellent water- and wind-proofing, and with two or three insulating layers of canvas.

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Invest in a firepit


You are not always allowed to light a wood fire wherever you want to, but a gas firepit is a different story. Not only is the fire safely contained, with no ash left behind which is good for the environment, but you can place the firepit in the best position to ensure it is effective, gently warming the tent, and making sure that the whole family is nice and cosy before bed.

Firepits tend to be directional too (depending on the model you choose), so you can place it in such a way that you get the maximum benefit, without uselessly heating up the air behind the firepit. If you are not sure where to get gas firepits in the UK, you can check the Forest Fuel website now.

Hot water bottle

Hot water bottles and containers filled with hot water are excellent and safe sources of heat while you are camping. Water holds its heat well, releasing it slowly over time, functioning like a radiator for as long as the warmth lasts. If in doubt, carry a few hot water bottles in your tent so you can share the heat.

Finally, when camping in winter, dress in layers. Not only does this protect your inner layers from dirt and damp, but it allows you to change your outer garments without needing to strip completely. Layers also work to retain your body heat much more efficiently than one thick layer of clothing. Winter camping really can be fun, and you do not have to suffer from the cold while trying it out.


Do you have any other tips for wintertime campers? Let us know in the comments!